Confessions of a New Blogger

I have a secret…and I want you to share it?

I love blogging. 🙂

Prior to taking a Social Media Class, I always wanted to blog to “get my opinion down on paper”.  Now, 10 weeks later, what I love about my blog is being able to layer my experience with knowledge and research for my readers.  I also have a secret desire to be the reason there is positive Groundswell (you know, when people virally share/post/tweet your content and then it picks up so much speed and chatter that you appear on Ellen) ?!

Over the past few weeks, I have provided best practices on Social Media Applications as well as Risks and Rewards for the Multi-level Marketing (MLM) industry.  This industry is dominating my social feeds (probably yours too) and I have been collecting secrets and strategies to share with all of you.

B is for BLOG-inner

As a beginner blogger (#Bloginner), I learned that blogging doesn’t happen overnight, it happens after hours of research, numerous books and under the guidance of a great professor (shout out to @DrJRogers).  Here are some best practices as you start, or refine, your MLM blog:

  • Groundswell is a perfect resource to understand where you audience is, how they want to interact socially and how to navigate through social chatter to expand your business. In the MLM industry, most of the groundswell is competitive-slamming (ingredients, quality & pyramid structure).  The best practice is to “listen” for opportunities to sell your products and then, share this in a blog.

As an example, I posted on my Facebook a photo of my daughter making her own cleaning device to dust our blinds. Moments later, my friend, who sells cleaning supplies shared a photo of her products that I should buy my daughter.  Producing a blog about home-made cleaning frustrations could be a great avenue for my friend to show/tell how her products can make cleaning stress-free.


  • Another great resource is Pinterest as you can easily search for secrets to good blogging.  Yes, it’s true, I get blogging inspiration when finding a new recipe to cook and an new outfit to wear.   Take it for a spin, search “beginning bloggers” and voila, a plethora of pins will fill your screen. While you are there, you can add pins about your MLM products with a link back to your MLM website (2 birds with 1 stone).

Extra! Extra! Tweet All About it

  • For over a decade, Twitter has graced our social feeds with 140-character tweets.  The benefit is that they are short and concise; the challenge is that they are short and concise.  This means that the MLM Tweeter must be crafty in the content and use Twitter for all its glory.  To help understand this platform, The TAO of Twitter is an excellent read, especially when it comes to understanding #hashtags, life of a tweet (2-3 hours) and how to increase followers who are more likely to  want to buy your MLM products.
  • Once you start blogging and tweeting about your MLM, it is time to explore a post scheduler such as Hootsuite . This platform connects multiple social platforms and will send posts to them whenever you want (based when you choose a schedule).  It is a great compliment to a social strategy and takes the monotony out of having to copy/paste in all your social accounts.

These best practices merely scratch the surface of all there is to grow your MLM through blogging and tweeting. 

Tell me, what is your MLM secret blogging confession?

21 thoughts on “Confessions of a New Blogger

  1. doublespets

    Stacey, My confession is that I happen to love blogging as well. Being able to put useful information out there to my readers is something that makes me happy. Although I wish I had a few more followers than just those of us from class, I will take the few that I have and run with them! Great post and good use of all the stuff we have learned in this wonderful class. I have enjoyed this class more than any of my other classes both undergrad and graduate!


  2. eogunleye

    Thanks for sharing this post, Stacey.
    I also love to blog. I actually started blogging in 2005. I blogged consistently until 2012, then I took a hiatus and picked up again 10 weeks ago. I feel like I have a lot to catch up on, but I also feel equipped with what we’ve learned in the class as well as the tips you’ve shared in your post.


  3. ashleyrcole

    Great post! I too have been really enjoying this time blogging, I plan to continue. My secret… I am addicted to Pinterest! I can easily spend hours on there pinning recipes, workout routines, and DIY projects.


  4. pennylanethoughts

    Hi Stacy. I recently deleted my Facebook page but linked my Twitter account. I see a lot of negative about Facebook, so I’m thinking about going with a Fan Page. Also, I don’t see that I have more followers because of Twitter. I have a few more Twitter followers, but not WordPress followers. Your take on this? Thanks!


  5. samanthamarie415

    Hi Stacey,

    I am glad you were finally able to explore your interest in blogging! I really enjoyed this read, especially how you connected your personal experience (posting about your daughter) to practical applications for marketing.

    My MLM confession is that I am a Young Living Essential Oil ‘distributor’, but I do not do anything with it to try and make myself money. Hopefully, I can use your inspiration to start actually focussing on MLM!

    I love how your personality shines through in this blog. I hope you keep blogging, I can’t wait to read more of your work!



  6. sweetlife33

    Great post! Before taking the social media class I’m in now, I never thought I would enjoy blogging or make time for it. I found that I thoroughly enjoy expressing opinions and helping others! Can’t wait to see what our future blogging brings!


  7. oilylifeventures

    I’m a blog-inner too! Great info here! I totally agree with your blog posts!! As a MLM distributor, it is challenging to find a balance on SM between being annoying, informative, helpful, and again annoying. (LOL)
    But, I love blogging and I’m just getting started.

    For me..I have found Pinterest to be a great place to draw blog traffic. I am trying to use twitter, but it’s not as easy to get followers there. My Instagram is building but, I need to be better at making it more personal…..why can’t all selfies look good? Lol!! And Facebook….that’s the bomb! I’m trying to be consistent, uplifting, and helpful to my followers.

    I do have to work on calls to action! I find that aspect intimidating.



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